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it is actually Delaware
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Q: Which state was the first to approve the Constitution?
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First state to approve the constitution?

Delaware was the first state to ratify the Constitution and become a state.

What state approved the US Constitution first?

Delaware was the first state to approve the US Constitution.

Which state was first approve the US Constitution?

Delaware was the first state to ratify the US Constitution.

What state was the first to approve to the constitution?

Delaware was the first state to ratify the Constitution on December 17, 1787. That is why the state motto is "The First State"

What was the First state to approve the constitution?

Delaware was the first state to ratify the Constitution on December 17, 1787. That is why the state motto is "The First State"

What was the first state to approve the US constitution?


Who was the 1st state to approve the constitution who was the last?

The first was Deleware

What state was the first to approve the US Constitution and has the nickname the Diamond state?


When did the first state approve of the constitution?

Delaware, December 7, 1787

What was the first state to approve of the US Constitution?

Delaware, on December 7, 1789 became the first state to ratify the New Constitution with a unanimous vote.

What state was fourth to approve the constitution?


What state was the last to approve the constitution?

rhode island