South Carolina,December20,1860, missippi,january9,1961,florida,january10,1861,alabama,january11,1861,georgia,january26,1861,texas,february1,1861,virginia,april17,1761,Arkansas,
may6,1861,north carolina,may20,1861,and,Tennessee,june8,1861.
South Carolina
The North and South were arguing about the existance of slavery, and Abraham Lincoln was elected president. He was anti-slavery, and abolishing slavery would destroy the South's slave based economy (cotton). They seceeded from the Union to keep their slaves.
The southern states were Confederate states. The northern states were part of the Union. :)
There were 19 states in the Union.
Arab States Broadcasting Union was created in 1969.
A notional new country - the Confederate States of America.
They returned in 1867. Although the Civil War ended in 1865.
All of them. The states that had seceeded were all readmitted to the Union. In addition, West Virginia and Nevada were added during the war.
Michigan never seceeded; it was a Union state
His most noted proclamation was the Emancipation Proclamation, ending slavery in the states that had seceeded. (Not in the states still in the Union. I assume you mean that and not the Gettysburg Address, his most famous speech.
The states that seceeded from the United States in the early 1860s officially called themselves The Confederate States of America, but they are commonly referred to as the Confederacy or the Confederate States (or CSA).
Abraham Lincoln.
The southern states:South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, loisiana, and Texas seceeded from the union and went to Montgomery, Alabama and formed the confederate states of America. They elected Jefferson Davis as the president
South Carolina seceeded from the United States of America
South Carolina
The North and South were arguing about the existance of slavery, and Abraham Lincoln was elected president. He was anti-slavery, and abolishing slavery would destroy the South's slave based economy (cotton). They seceeded from the Union to keep their slaves.
The union of the states