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The Comanches and the Kiowas. ;-}

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Q: Which two Native American tribes posed the greates threat to Texas settlers in the 1860s?
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During the Spanish colonial period what group posed the greatest threat to settlers in New Mexico?

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How did the government respond when westbound settlers asked the government for protection from the Plains Indians?

The American attitude was that Americans had the right to fill the continent. When the Native Indian Americans were a threat to the settlers moving in, the US government made treaties with groups like the Plains Indians, or strong-armed them into moving out of the areas designated for white settlers.

What was the greatest threat to American expansion in the Northwest Territories?

The greatest threat to the American expansion in the Northwest territories were the Native Americans who were supplied with guns by the British.

Why did Pontiac want the Native American to join forces?

Pontiac wanted to join forces with the Native Americans because Pontiac saw the British as a threat and wanted to fight the British with the Native Americans.

What was the primary cause of death of Native American Indians under the Spanish?

The biggest threat to the Indigenous population was disease. Especially small pox. The second threat was colonization.

Whose expedition stopped the British in the Ohio Valley and ended any threat of a Native American attack?

george rogers clark

Why did Native Americans fight with the French in 1754?

To prevent the British from expanding and taking more land

Why did Native American tribes unite for political change?

The indians united their forces because of the continues threat of the americans to take their keep their land.