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Q: Who changed daily life in the US by inventing a working light bulb?
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How did the discovery of fire change peoples lives?

The discovery of fire changed lives in a way such as cooking,heat source also a good light source it changed much of war also.Such as cannons,flaming arrows,and much other early forms of war fair

What was Lewis latimer famous for?

One of his great accomplishments were inventing the carbon filament which helped the light bulb (during that time) last for hours instead of minutes.

When did people in the US start to use the light bulb?

a short time after Edison invented them and power lines were run about 1921. one of the first light bulbs ever made is still working in a firehouse in Chicago i think and has never been shut off. the reason being the filaments were a lot thicker than today

What impact did the invention of the lightbulb have on the US?

The invention of the lightbulb had a significant impact on the United States. It revolutionized the way people lived and worked by providing a reliable and affordable source of artificial light. It spurred industrial growth, extended working hours, and contributed to urbanization and the development of modern cities. Additionally, it paved the way for further technological advancements and innovations.

Can a person see pitch black?

Well, it depends on what you are referring too. Can a person see the color pitch black? Yes, they can and you see it daily. But can a person see while in a pitch black room, no. If there is the smallest drop of light then your eyes are able to adjust but if it is truly pitch black then you will not be able to see and your eyes will not be able to adjust.

Related questions

Who is credited for inventing the light bulb?

Thomas Edison is credited with inventing the light bulb. He successfully created a practical and commercially viable electric light bulb in 1879.

How did Garrett Morgan change the world for the better?

garrett morgan changed the world by inventing the stop light and saving people's lives bye doing so.

Why did Thomas Edison have difficulty inventing the light bulb?

Thomas Edison faced difficulties inventing the light bulb due to the complexity of finding the right material for the filament, developing a reliable vacuum for the bulb, and creating a cost-effective design. He conducted numerous experiments and tested thousands of materials before finding a working solution.

Why is the security light on after you changed ignition keys?

The security light comes on after you changed the keys in the ignition from the off position to the on position as a confirmation that the electrical components in the dash board are working. It is nothing to be concerned about.

What is Thomas Edison most famous for inventing?

Light bulb

Are there any reasons for inventing the light bulb in 1879?


When was Daily Light on the Daily Path created?

Daily Light on the Daily Path was created in 1875.

4 Who invented the light bulb and what year was it invented?

Thomas Edison is credited with inventing the light bulb. He demonstrated the first practical incandescent light bulb in 1879.

Why is your back light out on your 1998 civic?

The most common reason for your back light not to be working is the lightbulb needs to be changed. A broken ground wire can also cause the back light not to work.

What age did Thomas edison start inventing light bulbs?

dont no

How many times did it take to make the light bulb by Edison?

It took him 10000 triesnearly 40,000 times he failed in inventing a light bulb.

What could be wrong if my ford fiesta rear light is not working and I have changed the bulb. The left side is ok but the right is not working.?

Bad socket? Bad Ground? Broken wire?