

Best Answer

It was siad to have been Betsy Ross in all history books.

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Q: Who is said to have maid the US flag?
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Who is said to have sewn the US flag?

Betty Ross

Does said rhyme with maid?

No, said does not rhyme with maid. Said is pronounced like "sed" while maid is pronounced like "mayd".

Which woman is often said to have created the first US flag?

Betsy Ross is said to have sewn the first flag.

Who made the flag besty or did her maid make it?

I wasn't Betsy Ross and I don't think it was her maid but it was Mary Pickergill who made the American Flag.

What was the flag of the US first called?

The first flag was yellow with a snake and it said "don't tread on me" on it

Who is said to have the first official US flag?

Betsy Rosses ancestors

What seamstress is said to have made the first official US flag?

That was Betsy Ross.

On the US flag what does red white blue mean?

cause i said so

Why is the Liberian flag similar to the American flag?

The Liberian flag is similar to the American flag because it was started by the United States as a place to send slaves once hey were freed because at the time this was happening the US Congress said that no former slave or decendant of a slave could be a US Citizen.

How are the Mexican flag and the US flag different?

The US and Mexican flags are different designs and they mean different things. The US flag is symbolic of the original 13 colonies, and of the current number of states in the Union. The Mexican flag is symbolic of the foundation myth of the Mexica (Aztec) tribe, who are said to have founded their great city where they saw an eagle perched on a cactus plant with a snake in its mouth.

What is the correct way to display a US flag with a company flag?

The US flag is on the very top. it would be us flag, state flag, then whatever you want-assuming theyre on the same pole, if not, the US flag needs to be on a taller pole

Did George W. Bush ordered the 50 star flag?

He may have ordered a 50-star flag, as in he may have called a flag company and said "hello, I'd like a 50 star flag please."However, the 50-star US flag design was introduced when Eisenhower was president.