there are 7 red strips on the us flag
there are 13 stars on the us flag
When looking at a series of flags in the USA the flag of the United States of America should always be on the left. Another way to look at it, if you were the flag this would be the flag's right. On a stage the US flag should be on the left of the stage from the audience view, to the right hand of the speaker. Again, the flag is positioned on the flag's right. If there is a row of flags the US flag should be in the center on the tallest flag pole.
Since it's creation, the US Flag has stood for freedom and the American way of live. It is the symbol of our country and as a US citizen, I respect the flag and for all those who have died under our Flag to keep freedom alive.
Betty Ross
No, said does not rhyme with maid. Said is pronounced like "sed" while maid is pronounced like "mayd".
Betsy Ross is said to have sewn the first flag.
I wasn't Betsy Ross and I don't think it was her maid but it was Mary Pickergill who made the American Flag.
The first flag was yellow with a snake and it said "don't tread on me" on it
Betsy Rosses ancestors
That was Betsy Ross.
cause i said so
The Liberian flag is similar to the American flag because it was started by the United States as a place to send slaves once hey were freed because at the time this was happening the US Congress said that no former slave or decendant of a slave could be a US Citizen.
The US and Mexican flags are different designs and they mean different things. The US flag is symbolic of the original 13 colonies, and of the current number of states in the Union. The Mexican flag is symbolic of the foundation myth of the Mexica (Aztec) tribe, who are said to have founded their great city where they saw an eagle perched on a cactus plant with a snake in its mouth.
The US flag is on the very top. it would be us flag, state flag, then whatever you want-assuming theyre on the same pole, if not, the US flag needs to be on a taller pole
He may have ordered a 50-star flag, as in he may have called a flag company and said "hello, I'd like a 50 star flag please."However, the 50-star US flag design was introduced when Eisenhower was president.