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The southern states because the Second Great Awakening promoted the abolitionist movement.

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Q: Who opposed the second great awakening?
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What was the impact if the second great awakening?

The impact of the second Great Awakening led to more splinter churches and made religion more personal as opposed to being church based.

When did the second great awakening end?

The Second Great Awakening was in decline by the 1830s.

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what did the second great awakening inspire

What were ministers who opposed the great awakening known as?

Ministers who opposed the Great Awakening were known as "Old Lights." They believed in traditional religious practices and doctrine and were critical of the emotional and dramatic nature of the revival movement.

What did the second great awakening cause?

The second great awakening caused shifts in theology and in religious beliefs

When did the second great awakening begin?

The Second Great Awakening began around 1790 in the United States.

What was the second great awakening?

The second great awakening was a religious revival in America. There were camp meetings. The abolitionist movement and the temperance movement were influenced by the Second Great Awakening.

What groups opposed the Great Awakening?

The Great Awakening was a series of religious revivals that happened across the American colonies. Various groups opposed it, such as a group led by Charles Chauncy.

The tendency toward rationalism and indifference in religion was reversed about 1800 by the?

probably the revivalist movement called the Second Great Awakening

Reform movement from second great awakening?

There are several reform movements associated with the Second Great Awakening including the women's rights movement, and abolitionism. The Second Great Awakening refers to a Protestant revival movement.

What was one major teaching of the Second Great Awakening?

A typical theme of the Second Great Awakening was that people could take their salvation into their own hands. This was opposed to the church being in charge of their souls. Evangelicals believed that the second coming of Jesus Christ was at hand and people needed to cleanse their souls.

Who were the leaders of the second great awakening?

Barton W. Stone and Alexander Campbell were the two leaders of the second great awakening.