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Q: Who was The king of England when the American colonies rebelled?
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Related questions

What were American colonists called if they rebelled against the King of England?

They would be called rebels

Who was responsible for appointing governors in the early American colonies?

king of England

When the colonies rebelled against the King who became their government?

If you are asking about the revolution it happened in 1776 when the colonies declared independence from the English king.

Who did Common Sense name as the greatest enemy to American liberty?

King George III. At the time, he was the King of England, and all the acts of oppression from Britain on the American colonies seemed to come from him.

Whom or what did Common Sense name as the greatest enemy to American liberty?

King George III. At the time, he was the King of England, and all the acts of oppression from Britain on the American colonies seemed to come from him.

How did the king of England react to the Franco-American Alliance?

He attempted to negotiate a settlement with the colonies.

What cut off all trade between the American colonies and England and removed the colonies from the king's protection?

The intolerable Act

What were the colonist called who rebelled against the king of England?

They were called patriots.

What cut off all trade between the American colonies and England and removed the colonies from the kings Protection?

The Prohibitory Act was British legislation in late 1775 that cut off all trade between the American colonies and England, and removed the colonies from the King's protection.

What are some examples of dependent and independent colonies?

There are no examples to give you if you are asking about American colonies. The colonies were all English colonies and had the king as the head of government. They were all dependent on England.

Who was president when Virginia became the first colony?

England didn't have Presidents in its American colonies. England was ruled by King James I when Virginia was settled.

What is the most important fact about King George 111?

King George III reigned at the time of the American Revolution when England lost the American colonies south of what is now Canada.