1881 is a common date for Morgan dollars, circulated coins are valued at $17.00-$26.00
the lady who was the first lady
the richest first lady was martha washinton
Assuming the coin is circulated and has no mintmark, the 1881 Morgan (Not Lady Liberty) dollar is common. The retail values are $30.00-$39.00 depending on condition. Values are a market average and only for coins in collectible condition, coins that are bent, corroded, scratched, used as jewelery or have been cleaned have far less value if any to a collector or dealer.
The term First Lady was first coined in 1860, in reference to Harriet Lane the White House hostess for her bachelor uncle, President James Buchanan. Before that the presidents wives were popularly known as "Lady ......." as in President and Lady (Washington, Maddison etc....).
James Garfield, who became President in 1881. and wife, Lucretia, were both teachers when they got married.
Lady Margaret Sackville was born in 1881.
Portrait of Lady Meux was created in 1881.
The Portrait of a Lady was created on 1881-10-29.
Lady Constance Gaskell was born in 1885.
James A. Garfield's wife's name was Lucretia Rudolph.
Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt's First Lady (wife) was Edith Roosevelt.
Barbara Bush, wife of President George H.W. Bush, was the first lady in 1991.
Thelma Catherine "Pat" Ryan Nixon was Richard Nixon's wife and the First Lady during his terms.
1881 is a common date for Morgan dollars, circulated coins are valued at $17.00-$26.00
Henry James wrote the novel "Portrait of a Lady." It was first published in 1881 and is considered one of his most famous works, exploring themes of independence, marriage, and societal expectations.
Eliza Johnson