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Q: Who was the first person with depression?
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Related questions

Can a person in depression laugh?

Yes. Depression doesn't prevent you from ever laughing.

Definition of Depression?

Depression is the feeling of how a person feels with and extreme length of sadness.

Which came first the depression or world war 2?

The Depression.

Does music cause depression?

Music can't actually cause depression, seeing as depression is a medical disease, but it can cause a person to BE depressed.

What are some questions to ask about depression?

Here are some questions to ask about depression: When did you first notice changes in your mood or behavior? How is depression affecting your daily life and relationships? Are you experiencing any physical symptoms along with your emotional ones? Have you considered seeking professional help for your depression?

What came first Great Depression or world war you?

WWI was a major cause of the Great Depression.

What is the type of depression where the person goes about in a daily routine and may not know themselves to be depressed?

Mild depression.

Can losing a friend cause depression?

Yes, losing a friend can cause depression. Especially if you were close to that person.

How does someone with depression compensate?

Person with depression suffers. There is no compensation. There is loss of money, job, studies. Personal, academic, social, financial loss is what the person suffers.

How do you handle depression?

Dealing with depression is going to be different for each person. I think the first step is being able to recognize and admit that you are depressed. Next you need to figure out what is causing the depression. Once you know what the cause is, you can begin to look for ways to overcome or get through the depression. It is very important to remember that while every individuals depression is unique to them, you are not alone. Don't be afraid to talk about it or ask for help if you need to.

When was the first diagnoses of depression?

The first known diagnosis of what we now call depression was by Hippocrates in ancient Greece. He called it melancholia.

Analogy of manic depression bipolar II?

The person is a see-saw. One side has a fat person on it (depression) the other side has a thin person on it (hypomania). The seesaw still swings but goes much further down into depression than mania. Sorry, that wasn't great.