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They aren't rare. Even though nearly all $20 bills in circulation are the new blue-and-green issues, other recent-date bills were printed in such huge quantities that dealers and collectors still have loads of them. In fact, as of 01/2015 an average circulated $20 bill from 1985 retails for all of $22.

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Q: Why are 1985 twenty dollar bills rare?
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5 Dollar Bills Are Very Common. They are still being printed, for as far as I know, 2 dollar bills are rare but still worth the same value.

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4 2dollar bills, 1 five, and 1 one. They do make two dollar bills, but they are rare.

Are spendable 2 dollar bills rare?

No. You can get five of them for $10 at your local bank.

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Andrew Jackson is on every US 20 dollar bill. So no, Andrew Jackson twenties are not rare. At all.

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not rare at all they are counterfeit broski

Why are 100 dollar bills so rare?

They're uncommon in circulation, but not rare. 100 dollar bills tend to be used less than smaller denominations as its often unsafe to carry large numbers of these bills around. Most people who need to spend over $100 will instead use credit cards.

Where can I cash in the value of these 2 dollar bills?

The United States two dollar bill are rare pieces of money that are not printed any more. You can cash in the value of these bills at most American banks.

Images of rare 2006 one dollar bills?

There are no known rarities in the 2006 series of $1 or $5 bills despite numerous urban legends.

How many National parks two dollar bills are minted?

None. They are nothing more than a regular 2 dollar bill that has been altered. And 2 dollar bills are not rare you can go to any bank and purchase them for, get this, 2 dollars.

Are 2009 2 dollar bills rare?

Uncommon, yes. Rare, no. About 134.4 million Series 2009 bills have been printed so far which by itself is a large number, but that's still only about 1% of all denominations.