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Because it made them equal

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Q: Why did Populism appeal to the common man?
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What types of people did populism appeal to?

According to conventional wisdom populism has a strong appeal to farmers, peasants and the lower middle classes.

What is the significance of the populism?

The significance of the populism is to appeal to the interest and conceptions of the general people. Populism was a term that was used against politicians opponents.

Was populism another name for the eighteenth amendment?

Populism has no specific connection to the eighteenth amendment. The term populism simply refers to the political strategy of trying to appeal to the common people, rather than using more intellectual types of political campaigns or rhetoric. Sarah Palin is a perfect example of a populist politician.

What was the basis of Andrew Jacksons power as president?

Andrew Jackson's power as president was based on his strong and charismatic leadership style, his appeal to the common man, and his use of executive authority to advance his agenda. He was known for his populism and ability to mobilize his supporters, which helped him consolidate power and implement his policies, such as the removal of Native Americans from their lands.

What did progressiveism have in common with populism?

Both movements sought reform in government and big business

What progressivism have in common with populism?

Both movements sought reform in government and big business

During the Progressive era in the United States what was the significance of populism and what did historians disagree about with regards to populism?

populism is a part of immigration populism is a part of immigration

What does it mean when a man says you have no sex appeal?

Sex appeal refers to the ability to excite a man sexually.

Who ran for office of the Presidency in 1824 and seemed to relate to the common man?

Andrew Jackson was the presidential candidate in 1824 that seemed to relate to, and appeal to, the common man. Jackson received 41. 4 percent of the vote in the election.

During the 1870s 1880s 1890s which new political movement surfaced?

Populism - Isaac =]

What were the effects of populism?

the economy

What are differences between leave for appeal and appeal as of right?

Leave for appeal is when the trial court gives you permission to appeal. This is common when the issue is not directly appeallable, such as an interlocutory appeal. Appeal as of right means you do not need permission from the trial court to appeal, and you may simply file your appeal.