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so that the Mexians would have no way of escaping the battle

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Q: Why did Sam Houston order Vince's Bridge to be destroyed?
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Names of wifes in order that Sam Houston had?

First wife - Eliza Allen in 1829. Second wife - Tiana Rogers Gentry under Cherokee Law while still married to Eliza. Third wife - Margaret Moffette Lea with whom he had eight children.

Why did Sherman and Grant want to wage total war?

When you fight one enemy, capture his capital. When you fight more than one enemy, attack his lines of communication. General Sherman destroyed all the rail road tracks and food in a 60 mile wide strip. With the rail roads destroyed, trains carrying supplies could not carry military supplies. If he had just destroyed bridges, it would have been possible to off load freight cars from one train, put the supplies on wagons, carry them by wagon to a different place past the bridge, and load them on another train. It was not that simple with a 60 mile wide strip destroyed. It was easy enough to load supplies on a horse and wagon. Then after about 30 miles, the horse needed to eat. There was no food. The horse would drop. The Union had messed up the South's lines of communication.

Why did many homesteaders fail?

One of the main problems was manipulation of the law in order to control natural resources like water, timber, and oil. Illegal claims destroyed much of the rain forest west of Portland, Oregon. Finally, it caused major conflict with Native Americans'

Why is it important to understand the order in which events occurred?

why is it important to understand the order in which events ocurred

During which time period were mail order brides popular?

Mail order brides were poplar in the nineteenth century, twenty and the twenty first century. In the 1990s over 21000 mail order brides express interest in finding husbands

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Why did Houston order the bridge across vince bayou destroyed?

Because it would've been easier to fight the Mexicans. Stupid Mexicans.

Why did sam Houston order the bridge across Vince's Bayou destroyed?

Because it would've been easier to fight the Mexicans. Stupid Mexicans.

What does in hoc signo vinces?

It is actually a Latin Phrase... In whole it reads: "In hoc signo vinces". It is a motto meaning "In this sign you will conquer." And is the motto of the Knights Templar, top of the York Rite of the Masonic Order. Origins: According to a well-known Catholic legend, Emperor Constantine the Great won the battle of the Milvian Bridge against Maxentius in the year 312, because previously (at Saxa Rubra) he had seen a vision where he saw a cross with the words "In hoc signo vinces" (in this sign you will conquer), so he had his soldiers carry a cross on their armors and shields. Of course, this predates the Knights Templar motto by many centuries.

What does the latin words in hoc signo mean in English?

It is actually a Latin Phrase... In whole it reads: "In hoc signo vinces". It is a motto meaning "In this sign you will conquer." And is the motto of the Knights Templar, top of the York Rite of the Masonic Order. Origins: According to a well-known Catholic legend, Emperor Constantine the Great won the battle of the Milvian Bridge against Maxentius in the year 312, because previously (at Saxa Rubra) he had seen a vision where he saw a cross with the words "In hoc signo vinces" (in this sign you will conquer), so he had his soldiers carry a cross on their armors and shields. Of course, this predates the Knights Templar motto by many centuries.

Who did general Sam Houston order to fortify the Alamo?

Actually, no one. He sent Colonel James Bowie with a contingent to destroy the Alamo, and retrieve the numerous cannon there. Bowie, after assessing the situation, decided it should not be destroyed.

When was Military Order of the Purple Heart Bridge created?

Military Order of the Purple Heart Bridge was created in 1998.

What is the bridge next to the Brooklyn Bridge?

The Manhattan Bridge. Three bridges connect Brooklyn to Lower Manhattan. In order from south to north, they are the Brooklyn Bridge, the Manhattan Bridge and the Williamsburg Bridge.

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Order of the Illuminati was created in 1776. It was destroyed in 1785.

Is al kaaba going to be destroyed in the satanic new world order?

There is no "satanic new world order," so Al Kaaba has a slim chance of being destroyed by it.

When did the Templar order disappear?

It is because of the assasins in the creed, they came around and destroyed them and their order

What states were Sam Houston governor of?

Tennesse and Texas. In that order.(: