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Tennessee was the last state in the Union to join the confederacy. Tennessee joined the confederacy of due to laws being passed regarding the institution of slavery.

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Q: Why did Tennessee join the confederacy?
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Which region of Tennessee did not want to join the confederacy?

Eastern Tennessee - there was always a lot of pro-Union sentiment there.

How long did Tennessee remain part of the confederacy?

4 years Tennessee was the last state to join the confederacy and the 1st too rejoin the union before the war ended

What were the last 4 states to join the Confederacy?

Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee and Arkansas.

When did Tennessee join the union army in the civil war?

It joined the CONFEDERACY in June 8, 1861.

What slave states seceded the union and join the confederacy?

Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Tennessee, Louisiana, Texas, Tennessee, and Arkansas

When did Virginia Arkansas Tennessee and North Carolina join the Confederacy?

Virginia- April 17, 1861 Arkansas- May 6, 1861 Tennessee- May 7, 1861 North Carolina- May 20, 1861

Which side was tennesee on?

Confederate side.However, that does not mean that the state was in complete unity. There were many instances of a local area being Union. Especially considering that the Union Armies quickly took over most of Tennessee early in the war and held it in their control.Also, there were a few Union regiments raised with Tennessee unit names. As an example, the Battle of Fort Pillow was fought by Union 13th West Tennesse Volunteer Cavalry on one side and the Confederate 15th Tennesee Cavalry.That can cause some confusion when reading books on the battles around Tennessee.

Which 11 states joined the confederacy after lincoln's death?

The Confederacy was officially wound-up about a month after Lincoln's death. There were certainly no new states wanting to join the Confederacy by then. The last four states to join were Arkansas, Tennessee, Virginia and North Carolina, after the firing on Fort Sumter in April 1861. The other four slave-states of the Upper South were partly in sympathy with the South, but still remained loyal.

What year did the Texas join the confederacy.?

Texas joined the Confederacy in 1861

Why was preventing Kentucky from joining the Confederacy a difficult task?

It was tempting for many Kentuckians to join the Confederacy. It was a slave state with a long southern border with the Confederate state of Tennessee. Also, about one half of the legislature was in favor of the Confederacy. To make things worse, not a single county within Kentucky was won by Abraham Lincoln.

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When did Georgia join the confederacy?

Georgia joined the Confederacy January 2, 1788.