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Key was standing on the bow of a ship after the shelling of Ft. McKinney and after all the night of shelling as the dawn broke he saw the American flag was still flying. So, he wrote the poem that was to become our national song.

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Q: Why did francis Scott key write oh say can you see?
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Who wrote O say can you see?

Francis Scott Key wrote The Star-Spangled Banner.

Who said '' O say can you see?

The phrase "O say can you see" is the opening line of the United States national anthem, "The Star-Spangled Banner." It was written by Francis Scott Key in 1814.

Did Daniel Boone and francis Scott key ever meet?

I would have to say no. They lived miles and many, many years apart.

Writer of the star-Spangel banner?

Francis Scott Key wrote the lyrics to the tune of an English drinking ( I guess you'd say: "Folk Song).

What is the national anthoms lyrics?

The national anthem of the United States is 'The Star-Spangled Banner', with lyrics by Francis Scott Key. It begins, 'Oh say, can you see by the dawn's early light?'

What does oh say does that Star-Spangled Banner yet wave mean?

Francis Scott Key was asking if the American Flag was still flying at dawn during the Battle of Fort McHenry during the War of 1812.

Who quoted o say can you see?

Frances Scott key, 1814.

What war did the stars spangle banner?

I assume you mean to say, "What war was the Star Spangled Banner written in?" If so, it was in 1814, during the War of 1812. Francis Scott Key wrote it after the bombardment of Fort McHenry.

Why was Francis Scott Key in Maryland when he wrote the Star Spangled Banner?

Francis was not in any state because he was on a ship trapped in the Chesapeake bay. The British ships would not allow his ship to leave the bay. However other accounts say that Francis wasn't on his original ship, but a prisoner upon a British vessel when he wrote the Star spangled banner. Which, by the way, was originally a poem, and not a song.

How do you say Francis in French?

"Francis" in French is pronounced as "Françoi."

How do you say Scott in Welsh?

"Scott" in Welsh is "Scott."

Is Sir Francis Bacon William Shakespeare?

No they are not the same. However, many researches and theories say that Francis Bacon, who wrote poetry, philosophy and advances scientific theories, used to write shakespeare's plays.