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The revenue acts were designed to raise funds from the colonies for Britain and its contract companies. In some cases, this was explained as restitution for the costs of maintaining military forces in America. Many colonists were upset because they had no say over the passage or enforcement of these acts, because they had no direct representation in Parliament. This continuing quarrel between Britain and the colonies eventually provoked armed rebellion in the Revolutionary War (1775-1783).

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They did it to bring in more tax revenue. The colonists opposed it because, who likes taxes?

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Q: Why did great Britain enact the Sugar Stamp Declaratory and Townshend acts and why did the colonists oppose these?
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Why did colonists oppose the stamp acts and the townshend acts?

Because they were sick and tired of paying taxes.

Why did colonist oppose the stamp act and the townshend acts?

These taxes were examples of taxation of the colonists who had no representation in Parliament.

Why did the colonists oppose the sugar act the stamp act the declaratory act and the townshend acts?

The revenue acts were designed to raise funds from the colonies for Britain and its contract companies. In some cases, this was explained as restitution for the costs of maintaining military forces in America. Many colonists were upset because they had no say over the passage or enforcement of these acts, because they had no direct representation in Parliament. This continuing quarrel between Britain and the colonies eventually provoked armed rebellion in the Revolutionary War (1775-1783).

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It restricted their trade.

Why did Great Britain enact the sugar act the stamp act the declaratory act and the Townshend acts and why did the colonists oppose these?

because after the french and Indian war Britain was in mayor debt so they decided that the colonies were a subject to Britain since they enjoyed Britain's proteccions therefore they decided to tax them or gain money by taxing the colonies so they could pay their debt. it was really unfair but after the colonies protested against taxation without representation and since William pitt of parliament agreed with them the stamp act was repealed or taken away.

Why did colonist oppose the townshend acts?

because they wanted too. they love Britain. comment

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yes they did.

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No they didn't

Why did colonists oppose the Proclamation of 1763?

C.It prevented them from moving west.

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Because he was loyal to Britain.

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