In spite of massive corruption Tweed and his political organization Tammany Hall were capable of conceiveing and executing important public works such as water systems, roads, bridges, and parks. These projects in addition to improving conditions for all New Yorkers provided the poor with employment opportunities for the unskilled.
Baltimore, Maryland
William Penn founded Pennsylvania and the city of Philadelphia.
The 'City of Brotherly Love' is known as Philadelphia in Pennsylvania. In 1682. William Penn established this city as the capital of Pennsylvania. The city's name is derived from the two Greek words 'philos' meaning loving and 'adelphos' that means brother.
Sherman burned down Atlanta before starting his March to the Sea.
Well, Philadelphia is the name of Penn's colonies' main city. His colony was Pennsylvania Philadelphia is a good name because it means city of brotherly love. Don't you think that sounds nice?
William Marcy Tweed
New York City's Democratic party boss
William Marcy Tweed is better known as "Boss Tweed". He ran, in a manner of speaking, New York City. Tweed's position of holding the office of chairman of the New York City Board of Supervisors gave him immense power, and it led to mass corruption. By the late 1860's it was estimated that Tweed was "making" a million dollars a month.
Boss Tweed controlled New York City.
William Magear Tweed, better known as "Boss" Tweed. One of a long line of corrupt Democratic politicians.
William Tweed?
It was Boss William Tweed
Boss Tweed was the nickname of William Marcy of New York City. He had risen through the political ranks in New York City and became the chairman of the New York City Board of Supervisors. He was in position to handle most of the city's contracts with vendors. Reportedly he was making one million dollars a month in the late 1860's by cheating with city contracts. The governor of New York Samuel J. Tilden was responsible for ending this corruption and it brought him national attention.
He was a man universally known as "Boss" Tweed.
William Magear Tweed, commonly known as Boss Tweed, was a notorious political figure in New York City in the mid-1800s. He was known for using the spoils system to reward his political allies and supporters with government jobs in exchange for their loyalty. Tweed's corrupt practices eventually led to his downfall and imprisonment.
William Tweed came from humble beginnings. His father was a blue collar worker and William Tweed was a carpenter and a New York City fireman. As with many Irish immigrants to the US, they settled in New York City and became members of the popular Democratic Party, Tweed saw the Democratic Party as a way to move ahead in New York. He found ways to make friends with influential people in the City and he helped the Democratic Party when it was election time. He was a loyal party member. Often there were election fraud problems in New York elections and Tweed did his best to make sure his Party received as many votes as possible in various types of elections. He made his way in the ranks of the Party and found himself on the powerful New York City Board of Supervisors. He became the chairman and the Board was responsible for managing and controlling the day to day operations of the nations largest city. From that point on, he became a force in the city's politics and its very lucrative contracts that were awarded to builders.
New York City's Democratic party boss