Because when the colonists first thought about taxes & stuff. They seen and thought it was fair. Plus some people weren't really paying the taxes. So it didn't matter. Then the britihsh went further and raised taxes and actually made sure every single colonists was paying those taxes.
Because the local colonial governments would have to give up their power.
Rerferendumreferendum Pg. 607 in American Journey book. .
American Romantic writers reject rationalism because they believe that intuition and imagination yield greater truths.
Legislative assembly
Some southerners felt that confiscating property violated the constitution.
The word you are looking for is "reject".
Some people say you can either accept the null hypothesis or reject it. However, there are statisticians that insist you can either reject it or fail to reject it, but you can't accept it because then you're saying it's true. If you fail to reject it, you're only claiming that the data wasn't strong enough to convince you to choose the alternative hypothesis over the null hypothesis.
The opposite of "accept" (agree) is reject, or refuse. The opposite of "accept" (acknowledge) would be refute, or deny.
Not until after college.
Authors are individuals, they can accept or reject any ideas that they wish.
God allows us to accept or reject whatever we please. Free will.
whether to accept or reject the constitution.
reject errors
It depends which country you are referring to, bur generally the prime minister has no power of veto and cannot reject a bill.