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The group of people that left England for the Plymouth Colony did so mostly for religious reasons. They were being mistreated in England and the Netherlands and thought America would be better.

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Q: Why did the group of people who established the Plymouth Colony leave England?
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Why did the group of people who establish the Plymouth colony leave England?

The group of people that left England for the Plymouth Colony did so mostly for religious reasons. They were being mistreated in England and the Netherlands and thought America would be better.

What brought hardship and death to the Plymouth colony?

Starvation, because insufficient supplies were brought from England, and a very hard winter killed a lot of people in the Plymouth Colony during the first year of its existence.

What legal laws the early government established in the Jamestown and Plymouth colony?

They were able to beat people and kidnapp little kids and get away with it.

What was name of local Indian who helped the people of the Plymouth Colony?

Squanto was the name of the local Indian who helped the people of the Plymouth Colony.

Did Plymouth have religious freedom?

The people of Plymouth colony did have religious freedom. Most of them however, joined the new Church of England. Henry VIII made himself the head of this church.

What types of people lived in the Plymouth settlement?

The majority of the early people who settled in the Plymouth colony in Massachusetts were religious people. They did not agree with the doctrines of the Church of England and were able to be granted permission to establish a settlement in America. These people were known as pilgrims and puritans.

How many people lived in the Plymouth colony?

50 people

Why was colony Pennsylvania established?

for people who did not believe in cultures people from England believed in so those people came to the new world to start there beliefs

Why was the colony of Plymouth settled?

Plymouth holds a special role in American history. Rather than being entrepreneurs like many of the settlers of Jamestown, the citizens of Plymouth were fleeing religious persecution and searching for a place to worship their god as they saw it.

What was the name of the Mayflower Colony?

Plymouth was the name of the pilgrims' plantation. It was in Massachusetts.

Who we're the people who settled Plymouth colony?

the seperatitst

Plymouth Colony was originally founded by a group of people called Pilgrims. Since Plymouth did not have an official charter from England its government was based on which document?

They wrote a compact among themselves. It was called the Mayflower compact.