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Q: Why did the people of North Carolina tolerate blackbeard's presence?
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Did the people in North Carolina in colonial time tolerate other religions?


How do Islamic people tolerate other religions?

Rather better than other religions tolerate Islam.

Can people tolerate alcohol?

It depends on what you mean by tolerate. Alcohol is a neurotoxin (nerve poison) that affects every cell in the body. It is good for no one in large quantities.Can people tolerate alcohol in small quantities?Most people can drink one or two drinks and suffer few if any ill effects, that will disappear in a couple of hours. If they find that they have a desire to continue drinking, they should read farther down this page.Can people tolerate it in large quantities?Some people develop a tolerance for alcohol's presence in the body, in that it requires more and more of it to reach the same levels of subjective intoxication. This is one of the earliest and surest indications of developing alcoholism. The guy who can drink all his buddies under the table is the loser, not the winner.

Why do people allow child labor laws?

People have to tolerate the laws Congress passes.

How do you mess up a relationship?

Usually by cheating on them. There's not many people out there that will tolerate that.

Why Hitler was so strict?

Because he was an extremist who did not want to tolerate people who were different from him.

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No. There are very few people that like and can tolerate cocky behavior.

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Why did people move to Carolina's?

people moved to North Carolina because of religious freedom

What practice led to slavery in Georgia?

Slavery devoloped in Georgia because the people in Georgia needed more farmers, so they borrowed enslaved African Americans from South Carolina. Then increased the number of slaves in Georgia.

What kind of people live in South Carolina?

Hispanic and black people live in South Carolina.

Can people who can't tolerate milk use Ensure?

Probably-since it is lactose free.