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The assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo in 1914 was the catalist that started WW1. In 1917 u-boats sank the RMS Lusitania off Ireland with the loss of many American lives, propelling the US into the war against Germany. The british blockade of Germany in 1918 and the subsequent revolt by the German people, caused the navy to mutiny and the government to fall; ending the war.

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13y ago
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12y ago

The United States entered World War I as a result of the sinking of the Lusitania (an American passenger liner) in 1915 and the Zimmerman Telegram (which was a German diplomatic cable urging Mexico to join the Central Powers in order to receive there lost territories in the USA) in 1917. In addition, Germany used unrestricted submarine warfare which resulted in the sinking of several passenger ships with Americans aboard.

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15y ago

Because the Germans kept using their unrestricted submarine warfare and torpedoed ships with Americans on board and then they sent the Zimmerman Telegram to Mexico saying that if Mexico declared war on the United States then Germany would help them win back the land they lost in the Mexican-American War.

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16y ago

The united states became involved because a they had a treaty.

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10y ago

america got drawn into it because they made an allience

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how did we get involved

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4y ago

The United States became involved in World War 1 because the Germany’s disruption of Allied trade routes led to the entry of the United States into the war.

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December, 1941

Why did the US get involed with World War 1?

because the russans were allys

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They got involed in the war because the Japanese bombed pearl harbour.

How was the us involed in World War 2?

Yes, we joined the Allied powers. We teamed up with Great Britain, the Soviet Union etc.

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