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Q: Why do some people want to be an independent country in the 13 colonies?
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Does a country has to win a war of independence to have a flag?

Not every country in the world is a former colony of another country, and there are even some countries that were former colonies, such as Canada or India, which became independent without having to fight a war of independence. And even colonies can, in some cases, have their own flag.

Are England and France the mother countries?

A "Mother Country" is the country a person was born in when he or she has emigrated to some other country. A "Mother Country" can also be the country that owns a colony and is thus the mother country of that colony. So, England is the mother country for people born in England who live in Australia, Russia, the US, or elsewhere, and similarly for France. In terms of colonies, England was the mother country of the colonies of the British Empire, and is sometimes called "mother country" by some in the Commonwealth of Nations. Similarly France was the mother country of the colonies in the French Empire, and may still be called that by some people in those, now independent, countries But for someone who was born, for example in Germany, or for someone in a former colony of the Netherlands, neither England nor France are "mother countries."

How did Africa become an independent country after the British Empire?

There is an incorrect implication in the question, namely that Africa is a single country as opposed to a continent with numerous countries. Africa's British colonies became independent in waves. Some like South Africa, were independent as early as 1915, but most became independent in the 1960s. This happened as Africans in each of the former colonies petitioned for independence and the British colonizers signed agreements and treaties with them legitimating their freedom.

What were some reasons the colonies became rebellious towards England?

Well there were many Reasons # England charged too many taxes. # England commanded to only trade with the Mother Country(england). # Didn't give any rights to the colonies nor the people of the colonies. # Probitted Many town Meetings. # Didn't have many of the Democratic Principles. # Didn't allow the colonies to break off from the mother country (England) and wouldn't let them be independent.

What country is Monaco part of?

It is not part of any country. It is an independent country. It has a coastline and all of its land border is with France, but it is not part of France as some people think.

Are the people of India independent in the real sense?

The answer depends on what is meant by "in the real sense". In some respects, nobody in any country is totally independent - there are just different degrees of relative independent. You may think a country is politically independent but it will still have to abide by its international commitments. Also, it is extremely unlikely to be economically independent.

What are some examples of dependent and independent colonies?

There are no examples to give you if you are asking about American colonies. The colonies were all English colonies and had the king as the head of government. They were all dependent on England.

How likely is it that the people of the colonies could be persuaded to support an independent Canada that retained some of its British connections?

I need help with my home work :l come on.


Even before the decloration of Independence was written in 1776, some colonies had begun to write constitutions that would establish them as new and independent states

Why was it necessary to write the declaration of independene?

It does three things. First, it lays out the justification for changing a government. Then, it tells the reasons why the colonies want to be independent. Finally, it declares the colonies independent of the king. In some ways it is an open letter to the king.

Why do people shop at independent businesses despite higher prices?

I shop at independent businesses because I want my purchases to support individuals and families in my community instead of making some bigwigs or shareholders in some other city or country rich

What does united country mean?

It can mean a country that is at peace. It is a country where no part of it wants to be independent from the rest of the country. It is a country where most people are in agreement about things in general, even if they differ on some specific elements. It is a country that has no major political divisions that threaten the stability of the country.