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because they needed freedom...

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i dont think that was important

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Q: Why is it important for basic freedom to be guaranteed in the constitution?
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Why was it so important for basic freedoms to be guaranteed in the constitution?

Because of Freedom Maybe Tala Awad :D

The basic rights of citizens are guaranteed by?

The Constitution

Who believed the constitution should provide protection for certain basic liberties?

The Anti-Federalists were also worried that the original text of the Constitution did not contain a bill of rights. They wanted guaranteed protection for certain basic liberties, such as freedom of speech and trial by jury.

What rights are guaranteed to citizens under the first amendment to the constitution?

The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees people freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, the right to assemble peacefully, and the right to petition the government.

What two basic rights of the people were guaranteed in Art III Sec 2 clause 3?

right to equality, freedom from discriminaton and freedom from slavery.

What guaranteed basic liberties and indicated some swing away from federalist centralizing?

The Bill of Rights guaranteed basic liberties, such as freedom of speech. The passage of the Bill of Rights signaled a swing away from federalist centralizing.

What is the basic right according to Bangladesh constitution?

Right for survival, speech and freedom

What are the basic civil liberties guaranteed to us by the US Constitution?

In the United States, the US Constitution recognizes the basic human rights granted to its people by God. The Constitution does not "give" its people rights. The US Constitution documents a number of things, such as the way the Federal government operates. Under the US Constitution, the rights already alluded to are written in the part of the Constitution called the Bill of Rights. These rights the Constitution guarantees include important issues such as free speech, freedom of the press and freedom to practice one's religion. The Federal Constitution lays out the ways Federal officials are elected and appointed. When it was ratified in 1793, it was the most progressive document defining a democratic nation that had ever existed.

The basic rights guaranteed to each individual were added after the constitution had been written for the purpose of gaining ratification of the constitution?

Wezzles Says: bill of rights

How does individual sovereignty relate to the first amendment?

Individual sovereignty is the control of one's own destiny. It was expressed by the Declaration of Independence as "life liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". The First Amendment to the Constitution reaffirms that the individual's basic rights include religious freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and the freedom to petition against actions of the government. It is important that the Constitution does not "grant" these rights, but rather prevents the government from denying them.

For what basic purpose is the right to keep and bear arms guaranteed?

The right to bear arms is an important element of the constitution. People are only allowed to bear arms so as to offer protection when attacked or in incidences of self defense.

Which principle of the US Constitution is most important to preserving democracy?

It depends on how you define democracy. If you are worried about the presence of voting, then the principle of having regular elections and a peaceful change of power between political parties is the most important principle. If you are worried about people being able to use politics to improve their circumstances by using their vote to pick a person who coul represent them, then the First Amendment's free expression principle and freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, and freedom of petition are the most important principles.