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Q: Why should the confederacy fight to become its own country?
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Why did Jackson fight for the confederacy?

Jackson fought for the Confederacy because he was loyal to his country and his home-state. He was also loyal to his God and his religion.

Which side did Texas fight for?

The Confederacy

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Who was Franklin Pierce's Secretary of war?

Jefferson Davis who went on to become president of the confederacy was Pierce's Secretary of War. Ironically, he put the US army into good shape to fight against the Confederacy a few years later.

Did people go into the battle of Gettysburg to serve for there country?

Yes people fighting for the Union, and people fighting for the Confederacy, went to Gettysburg to fight for their countries.

Should countries fight against each other why or why not?

No the fight between two country is just a waste of money of two country but also loss of some soilders who my become a great politician and take a country to a height that will make it proud. in a fight a mother lose their son, sisters their brothers,wives their husbands,sons and daughter their father , a fight between two country both economically,financily and its soilders will be lost

What did the confederacy want from the Battle of Bull Run?

The Confederacy wanted to win and were sort of forced to fight by the North.

What advantages did the confederacy have and how did they mobilize for war?

A Strong will to fight

What courageous things did Abraham Lincoln do?

he was able to go against the confederacy (his own country) and fight to help keep America a united country. if it wasn't for Abraham Lincoln, we might have to have a passport to texas!

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Why should country fight for war?

Only if it's nessesary

Who defends Singapore?

In Singapore, there is a minister of defence but if Singapore has to fight, the soldiers fight. When boys become old enough, they go to the army. The army trains them to become young soldiers their country.