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the had self government

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Q: Why were colonial citizens able to influence the laws that governed them?
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Why do people value independence for themselves and their countries?

People value independence because it provides them with autonomy and freedom to make decisions without external influence or control. Independently governed countries are able to establish their own laws, policies, and priorities based on the needs and values of their citizens. This sense of self-determination is a fundamental aspect of personal and national identity, fostering a sense of pride and sovereignty.

Why did the think smaller Caribbean countries were able to gain independence peacefully?

Many smaller Caribbean countries were able to gain independence peacefully due to the changing attitudes towards colonial rule after World War II, the influence of global decolonization movements, and the economic challenges faced by colonial powers which made maintaining control less feasible. Additionally, some countries negotiated their independence agreements with colonial powers, minimizing conflict.

How did the establishment of parliament strengthen the rights of the English citizens?

citizens were able to choose the monarch

Who was a man able to become a part of the colonial assembly?


Who could vote in the English colonies?

Only white males are able to vote because they are the only citizens in the colonies.Because only citizens are able to vote.

How Americans were able to extend their influence to other parts of the world?

Americans were able to extend their influence due to the immense economic power.

What was necessary for men to be able to vote in colonial America?

they had to own property.

What did colonial Virginia's economy depend mostly for the colonist to be able to?


Since men control the government this creates what difficulty?

the gov't has to be able to control the governed but has to have limited powers.

How do citiznes benefit from growing economies?

The government are able to offer programs to the citizens to ensure they live safer and healthier. Citizens can get better paying jobs and live in suitable areas. Citizens are able to buy more than in country with a bad economy.

who is able to vote in the federal elections?

all u.s citizens 

How many months per year are citizens able to farm?
