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The years preceding the Gilded Age were rampant with government corruption (See: Ulysses S. Grant)

Conservatism aims to minimize government and has historically been most prominent following periods when the government effectively fails its people. (Like the start of the civil war)

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Q: Why were the two political parties in the Gillded Age so conservative?
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During the Gilded Age the lifeblood of both the Democratic and the Republican parties was?

political patronage

What is the voting rights and political parties in Vietnam?

Only 1 political party is legal in Vietnam and that party is Communist. There are other parties but they are not legal within the country. The voting rights in Vietnam are very similar to those in the United States; you must be at least 18 years of age.

What causes political and social structures to break down?

political figures becoming power hungry, left wing parties abusing the native people to make way for a new age multicultural wasteland.

Why are political parties represented by animals?

In an age of mass illiteracy people could not read words like Republican or Democratic so symbols were chosen.

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Political machines controlled the activities of political parties in the city. Ward bosses, precinct captains, and the city boss worked to ensure that their candidates were elected and that city government worked to their advantage.

What was voter turnout like in the Gilded Age?

The voter turnouts were high because the political parties during this time had very diverse ethnic and cultural differences.

What factors contribute to political socialization How might these factors influence one's political philosophy?

Factors such as family, school, peers, media, and life experiences contribute to political socialization. These factors can influence one's political philosophy by shaping their beliefs, values, and attitudes towards government, society, and civic engagement. For example, a person who grows up in a conservative household may adopt conservative views as their political philosophy.

What four categories do minor parties tend to fall into?

In United States: Republican and Democrat. In United Kingdom: Labor and Conservative. Most countries in the world have more than two political parties, such as Germany has Christian Conservative Party (the party of Angela Markel), Socialist Party, Green Party, etc. Indonesia has PDI, PDI-P, Partai Demokrat, Golkar, Partai Damai Sejahtera, etc.

What were politics like in the gilded age?

The dominant political party in presidential elections was the Republican party.

Did the Republican and Democrat parties exist in early American history?

The Republican Party as we know it today was founded in 1854. The Democratic Party was originally founded in 1792 with the more "modern" version coming of age in 1828. For more assistance you should check out "Why parties? The Origin & Transformation of Political Parties in America" by John H. Aldrich.

What age do parties need to be to sign a quitclaim?

Eighteen years of age.

Why is Tanzania a democratic country?

Tanzania, a country in Africa can be called a democratic nation. The country has regular elections for high level officials including the highest one, President. The voting age is 18 years of age and the country has a least 6 political parties.