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They are downloaded from sites that host RuneScape cursors. Be careful what site you use. Fun cursors include Scimitar, Godswords, Whip, Partyhats, Dragon weapons, etc.

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Q: A lot of people have a scimitar mouse on runescape inlcuding zezima how do you get that?
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Yes, he quit a year ago I think. That's better 'cause then someone will then beat zezima can you believe that some people said he was dead?i posted question: is zezima dead? cause my friend said he was cause some retards on runescape said that rofl

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Used to be Zezima, but he was thrashed by Gertjaars.

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The best player in runescape used to be Zezima, but now holding his place is Gertjarrs Gertjarrs has 99 everything =p but zezima still holds that reputation.if you join his clan chat in runescape loads of people are on.the reason zezima is so popular is because he holds being the highest player on highscores for the longest time.even though he quit ruenscape and moved onto funorb.

What is the best RuneScape player?

The best runescape player to ever play is zezima and virgilio114 & sk8dude478 they are legends.