yes.metroid prime hunters have action replay codes.
Yes. You have to buy an Action Replay for GC though which may be hard to come across in regular game stores.
you can but you have to get the right codes for it like camochao's in
i don't know but use item fusion example:freeza+ultimate form=ultimate freeza
Yeah go to for MPH v1.1 and v1.0 codes and for i think v1.0 codes
no there are plane action replay codes
the codes that were made by the ppl who created action replay are at
yes you do or you can not use action replay why do you think there called action replay codes you disgrace to the smartness pf Earth!!!
Sorry, it's impossible to use Action Replay Codes without in Action Replay. If there was what would be the point of selling them?
You cannot: You need the Action Replay DS to input the codes for your games.
No,because the GB action replay codes are diffrent.
the codes are action replay codes