

Best Answer

you can buy it in this store target in ac go to aextras type your name and password you need to be 13 years old that's all i know

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Q: Aq upgrade card do you get ac coins?
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How you get ac coins in aq world with out being a upgrade easly?

Type /join ballyhoo and watch one of her advertisements. She may give you ACs as a reward instead of just gold.

How do you get ac coins in aq world?

either by downloading the aqw toolbar, get aqw membership,or buy ac coins with real money

Where can you buy ac coins?

go to the upgrade page and it'll say Buy Ac's

How do you get ac coins with aq toolbar?

you just search a lot and keep it for ever.

How many places can you spend your ac coins in aq worlds?

6 now in 2010

How do you get free ac coins in aq the game?

you can it at aextras(homepage) u sign in and do offers

How can you get AC coins on AQ Worlds without being a member?

find the cenutaur and keep getting the deals

How do you get ac coins with the aq toolbar?

6,000 searches- i dont know maybe 600 acsAQ WORLDS ROCK!!!!!!

How can you get ac coins in aq worlds?

u buy em or e-mail for free aq coins just type in how many you want and he will give them to you i have done this many times myself and have over 100,000 bye

How Do You Get Adventure coins from Ballyhoo in aq worlds?

keep doing ballyhoo ads until you get 5 ac (highest amount)

How can you get AQ worlds adventure coins?

you can by them here:https:/securezperiodzbattleonzperiodzcom/aqwfirst log in then select the AC's package.or go to ballyhooor go to the AExtras