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Yes, These wads are much fun than boring bland UAC plot twist ones.

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Q: Are Terry WADs better than regular Doom WADs?
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Related questions

What is the collective noun of wads?

The noun 'wad' is a collective noun for: a wad of bills a wad of money If you have too many bills or a lot of money, the plural noun 'wads' can be used: wads of bills wads of money

What are computer wads?

As far as I know, PC games from the Nineties, such as DOOM or Wolfenstein ran on WAD files. If you get a source engine such as ZDoom it will ask for a WAD. Now finding a WAD for, say, the Ultimate DOOM (Full version) is remarkably easy as DOOM is so old. You insert the WAD file into the source engine and bingo! But on the safe side, you should own a material copy of the game (DOOM 1 or DOOM 2 or wolfenstein or whatever you want) on any console just to prove you actually own the game. Its not nessacery, but safe.

How do you get srb2 wads?

you download them from and you can find them wads

Is there a way to download wads that aren't torrents?

depends on if you want viruses with you wads or not

Is wads better than the arrow keys in gaming?

no beacuse if it was there would be no arrow keys and why would you ask this qustion :(

How do you install a doom wad?

Follow these steps to work the awesome Doom Wads: 1. Download " Skulltag" from (it's free and it's got more options than normal Doom). 2. Open your Doom folder then press make that box smaller. 3. Put Skulltag in your Doom folder/directory. 4. Open the folder where you put your wad(s) then make the box smaller. 5. Drag and drop or copy and paste the wad in your Doom folder. 6. Make sure the wad has the skulltag symbol on it then double click it. 7. Edit the in game options that you would prefer. 8. Have fun with your new wad!!!

Where do you get wads from?

There's alot of wad websites but I'd recommend: Go to their "Top 100 wads of all time" page. You'll find all the best wads from 1994, to 2008.

What is collective noun of wad?

The noun 'wad' is a collective noun for: a wad of bills a wad of money If you have too many bills or a lot of money, the plural noun 'wads' can be used: wads of bills wads of money

Wads can be erase if they are already install on the Wii?

Don´t erase them. If you need space for another wads,store them on PC.

Where to get srb2 wads? OR click the SRB2 2.0 folder, and get the addon you want.

What wads John Adams religion?

He was Baptist

Where do you get srb2 wads from?

you type in google srb2 wads and when your in the game press ~ and you should get a skreen and type addfile (whatever the file name is) hope this helps!