Game consoles are good because you have fun playing games but the bad thing about them is they are addicting and if you go on it too long a day you could become blind.
They Aren't
They come from Japan, like all good game consoles.
The plural of game console is game consoles. As in "I have several game consoles at home".
Battle ship consoles
Both are better than good and MW3 is the best selling game this month for both consoles
If you mean Game consoles, None.
Best PS3 game ever made and I imagine it's excellent on all other game consoles.
Best PS3 game ever made. And I imagine it's excellent for the other consoles as well.
You can sell broken game consoles on auction sites like eBay.
Video game consoles are machines made almost exclusively for playing video games.
The Professor Layton games can be played on different game consoles. Some of the game consoles that support the Professor Layton games are Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo DS.
Video Game Consoles & Games