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Q: Are video game games containing violence appropriate for children?
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For what ages are LEGO Marvel games appropriate?

The LEGO Marvel games, for example LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, are available for children from 7 years and up. Most games will have this age recommendation as the games do contain some sort of mild violence.

Are violent video games appropriate?

Of coure there is violence in video games! Many video games have violence in it, including call of duty.

Kid-Appropriate Shooters?

Any parents looking to purchase shooter video games for their children should be especially aware of the game's parental rating. There are some shooters which are appropriate for younger children, but many contain graphic violence and profanity. Most parents will want to stay away from games rated Mature. Parents who wish to play the games with their children should look for co-op titles, which allow for 2-4 players to join the game at once. Kids enjoy cartoon action in games as much as on television, and those titles depict violence in a comedic and lighthearted manner, like Saturday morning cartoons.

What rating applies to a game when there is violence in it?

All video games and apps are rated by the Entertainment Software Ratings Board, also known as the ESRB. Many games containing mild violence will have a rating of T for teen. Games with more intense violence will receive a rating of M for mature audiences. Some games rated for persons 10 and older can contain slight violence as well.

Do games bring violence to children?

I he seen a big change in a lot of Childress attitude after games so yea!

Is Hunger Games appropriate for 11-13 year old students at school?

The Hunger Games is suitable for the ages above 12. There is a bit of violence and complicated ideas, yet it is a great read.

What are the best Disney Channel games that are also appropriate for children?

There are so many age appropriate Disney Channel games for your children to play. If you go onto the Disney's Disney Channel site, they have a full list.

Why is this game not safe for children what is it's context?

Grand Theft Auto is not appropriate for children because it includes many mature themes, such as:Strong languageSexual themes (prostitutes, sex toys, sex minigames, etc.)Violence/blood/goreUse of drugs and alcoholPartial nudity (in some games)

Do violent video games discouarage violence in children?

they do but they dont they make you buff and handsome and make me laugh....... NO( THEY DO NOT!!!!!!!)

Is a PlayStation appropriate for 7 year olds?

All Playstation Consoles are appropriate for even younger children. It is the games that have age limitations

Violence in games?

There is no violence. Video games are fun and educational.