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Q: Can a tooth with a vertical fracture be saved?
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Can you lose a tooth easy after getting a root canal?

If you don't have a crown placed on a root canaled tooth, it could fracture or break resulting in the tooth having to be extracted.

What happens when your tooth rots underneath a crown?

The decay starts to grow and spread into the denten which is where the nerve is located causing one to then need a root canal. If the tooth can be saved a root canal is done, the tooth is built up and a new crown is placed over the tooth. if the tooth cannot be saved then it is extracted and replaced by a bridge, implant or a partial

How do they repair a vertical break in a bone?

A vertical break in a bone is treated in much the same way as any other fracture. It should be immobilized by casting and preventing from suffering from torque.

My tooth is going to fall out. Should you pull your adult tooth?

Do NOT (I repeat NOT) pull it out. If it's still in, it can be saved. Get to the dentist very soon, though.

Is a crown always needed after a root canel?

Type your answer here..once a root canal is complete the nerve is removed. thus, no nutrients etc are able to feed to that perticular tooth. over time the tooth becomes brittle and prone to fracture thus a crown is then placed on it to prolong the "lifespan" of the tooth.

What to do for a cracked tooth?

Always call your dentist and make an appointment to have the tooth or teeth checked out. Even if a chip seems minor, there may be additional cracking that needs to be repaired.There are 4 kinds of tooth fractures:1) chips to the outer enamel layer only2) fracture to the dentin layer3) fractures that go into the pulp of the tooth4) fractures that go into the root (usually a vertical fracture)For the first kind of fracture the tooth is usually just ground down slightly to smooth off the edge.For the second kind, which causes sensitivity to cold & heat, a composite restoration is done to cover the sensitive dentin. It may need a crown or porcelain facing.For the third kind either a composite restoration is done or a root canal. Seek attention on theseimmediatelyas bacteria can get into the pulp and cause nasty infections.For the fourth kind of fracture, the tooth is typically removed. Seek attention immediately with this kind of crack.Always seek the advice of your dentist or medical professional.

Is it any more difficult for a dentist to remove a root canal tooth that has a metal post?

This situation can present potential complications when trying to remove the tooth. It is not uncommon for teeth in this condition to break or fracture when attempting to extract them.

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What is wearing away of tooth?

Damage to your teeth or tooth wear can be caused by any process that results in loss of integrity of the tooth surface. Tooth decay is a bacteria-caused form of tooth damage. The other forms of tooth damage are the result of mechanical or chemical assault to the tooth structure which may be brought about by your daily habits for example grinding in your sleep and tooth brushing. Acquired tooth wear can be classified into attrition, abrasion, erosion, abfraction and fracture.

What you have to do once root canal treatment completed?

After you've completed root canal therapy, it is always best to have a crown placed on the tooth to avoid having it break or fracture. Failure to do this in a timely manner could result in eventual loss of the tooth.

What are the reasons of toothache?

Toothache can be caused by various factors, including tooth decay, gum disease, abscessed tooth, tooth fracture, grinding teeth, or an impacted wisdom tooth. Other potential causes include sensitivity to hot or cold foods, an infection, or sinus pressure. It is important to see a dentist for proper diagnosis and treatment.

The dentist said you have an absessed tooth does it have to be pulled or can it heal?

No. Generally speaking an absessed tooth can be saved by antibiotic therapy and root canal therapy together. There are times when a tooth cannot be saved though- when not enough tooth structure is left to support a crown or "cap", or when a root is actually fractured. Sometimes an absessed tooth is caused from a periodontal problem or in other words, a gum problem. This requires antibiotics and debridement or "deep cleaning" - or surgery.