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This will contain major spoilers, obviously.

Lucas pulled the final needle, which summoned the dragon. He then cleansed the world of all the damage that Porky had created. You can actually move around the word END? to cause conversations, after which the credits will roll, first all the people in the game, then the staff behind the game itself.

Alternatively, as revealed in unused music and Sprite data, there is another ending that was ultimately removed from the game due to frightening scenes. In this ending, rather than Claus coming to realization that he is just a slave of Porky, Lucas accidentally kills him, without Claus ever coming back to his sense. After pulling the final needle, Lucas is destroyed emotionally, mostly due to that his mother was killed when he was young, his hometown was transformed and abandoned by evil, and he was forced to kill his mindless brother. He then enters a psychological state, named "Lucas's Nightmare". This is believed to be the games true final boss, but an unbeatable boss, killing Lucas in the process. The Dragon enters his soul and infuses to rewrite the world, similar to Leder's story. This world is basically a set frame of time in Lucas's hometown, without Porky and his minions. This rewritten world is what you see in the ending of the game where you move the End? logo around and talk to others.

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