yes but it is really hard you have to go onto online then choose how many players you want that is how you do it
Kinda. It's the single player campaign, but with two players in stead of one. No change to the storyline whatsoever. But, did you really need to ask that? Why didn't you go and check for yourself? XD
u dont unlock it it already comes unlocked
you go to main menu and just quit
no its not btyoungblood is, i wannna go against neighbor so i can go beast mode on him.
LaNell Cooper goes by Angie, Super Coop, and Coop.
absolutely not, the disk for halo three is a pre written content DVD and is NOT rewritable.
The master chief and the Arbiter, if you go on 4 player, players 3&4 will be elites.
Settings, Player profiles, Your profile, then go down you will see it
Go tot he Main Menu and click Multiplayer.
Either get wifi or ethernet hooked up to your xbox and go into matchmaking or for two player offline just go to custom game.
go to youtube and type in halo 3 skull hunting and there will be some videos telling you how