Yes, you can. When you're married, you have to be in a hot tub or relaxing in a two-person bed and click "Cuddle" and then "Try for Baby"It'll take you a few tries, but when it happens, it'll be in clip mode and show you that your baby is growing inside. You'll know if you're pregnant when the "Try for Baby" button dissapears.
No. Only adult Sims can become pregnant in The Sims 2.
You can have teen Sim pregnancies in The Sims 2 through the use of mods and game hacks that are available for download throughout the internet. Use caution when installing mods and hacks into your game as some may be incompatible with your version of the game or with other mods or hacks that you have already installed.
Different answer!!
Actually sims kids can can get pregnant also but you have go through several steps.
Here is the link that goes to the site.!?cr=2
yes, you can become pregnant/ have kids on Sims 3. but that's on the PC I'm not sure about the rest of the Sims (ex. wii, ipods, iphones)
You can't get your Sims pregnant on any console Sims games. It has to be on the PC game in order to get your Sims pregnant.
No sorry, you can't get your Sims pregnant on Ps2. But you can get get them pregnant on Sims PC.
Teens are not able to become pregnant on Sims 2, for PC, if you have not downloaded the Inteenimater file. If you would like to download the file try searching 'inteenimater' on the Internet.
well I have all the sim PC games and the one you can have kids on is Sims 3. I hope this helped
they cant. sims only get prego. on pc.
no. sims only get pregnant on pc.
Yes you can.:)
You can't the sims will become pregnant on its own accord if you have made it try for a baby! a way to tell is if they've just had sex and afterwards a like quick tune comes on that means she will become pregnant in a few days but if you dont hear it then their not pregnant! :)
Yes, you can have kids on the Sims 3 Pets. You can have kids on any of the expansion packs.