NO!!No, But you CAN play xbox games on the xbox 360
If it works on a DVD player, it works on a xbox 360
No they do not have BluRay capability on Xbox or Xbox 360! That's why you should get the ps3, because the ps3 does!
A DVD will play on the computer because the computers are made to play DVD's. The Xbox 360 will not play DVD's because they are made to only play BluRay discs.
Put a disc in, turn the controller on, and play.
No and probly will never happen, Toshiba will not make a blu-ray player so Microsoft will not put on in the xbox 360
If it didn't it wouldn't be an xbox 360 disc cleaner
No. Ps3 uses Blu-ray, Xbox 360 does not.
The region code of the disc might be different from that of the xbox
No xbox 360 is not compatible with playstation it is only compatible with the xbox 180