Yes you can, what you have to do is pause the game while in free roam, go all the way over to controls then customize the way you want.
Press the left shift or the right.if you want you can change the controls at the puase menu
You should be able to change it in the Options menu.
Need for speed most wanted
need for speed most wanted is released in late 2012.
What is the serial number to access pc game need for speed most wanted
Need for speed 5-1-0 is the best
how do i get a monster truck in need for speed most wanted 2012 forxbox 360
beat #2 most wanted
who said there was a haunted house in need for speed most wanted!?there's no haunted house!
the woman in need for speed most wanted is josie maran and she plays mia
Speed picture and light
i need a cd key for need for speed most wanted