I checked and found it at http://www.graboib.com. This is a legal site.
You probably cant download Lost Chapters legally and free, but its just the same price as the regular version, i think..
You CANNOT LEGALLY download Pokemon Soulsilver.
You can legally download games from the PlayStation Store on the PlayStation Network.
You don't download games legally. You buy them.
You can not LEGALLY download music for free.
No No No No No No! You cannot download tekken 5 legally. if you desperately want it then go to shops and buy it.
You can download free clips legally from their website, however it is not free to legally download the complete show as this is a breach of copyright laws.
If you have a PC, you can download it legally from the EA website.
You can download it off GOG.com for $6
You can not legally download the games