yes but they are EXTREMELEY rare like you might meet one after ever dungeon is completed and after ever six dungeons that you clear go to mystifying have a chance to meet a red tortera and a black skuntank.i recruited the red torterra but the skuntank is hard
In Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness, you can receive a Shiny Stone as a reward for completing certain missions or by finding it in certain dungeons. You can also sometimes receive a Shiny Stone as a gift from other Pokemon in the game.
No unfortunately. But in Explorers of Time & Darkness, U can see a shiny celebi but can't recruit her.... But, In the Mystery Dungeon WiiWare game, there are a few shinies that ARE recruitable. They have 2x the belly stat of normal colored Pokemon.
The newest Pokemon Mystery Dungeon for the Wii will feature 36 different shiny Pokemon. This game has only been released in Japan and all other release dates are unknown. All previous versions of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon contain no obtainable shiny Pokemon.
I found a shiny herdier on route one (access gained when you beat the champion)
no there aren't...veronicaThe younger kecleon is a shiny, but there are none that you can obtain/recruit.
To my knowledge, you cannot get a shiny Pokemon in the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games.
no, you cannot get shiny Pokemon in blue, or the entire mystery dungeon series (except the ones on the wii: Pokemon stormy adventure squad, blazing adventure squad, and the other one i forget)
Vileplume does not evolve into a Roselia. Vileplume evolves from a Gloom which evolves from an Oddish. Vileplume cannot evolve any further.
Oh, dude, getting the beauty scarf in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is like finding a shiny Charizard in the wild - it's rare! You can find it in the Joyous Tower dungeon, but good luck with that, it's like trying to get Pikachu to evolve into Raichu without a Thunder Stone. Happy hunting, my friend!
you can't The Celebi from the future doesn't count
There is none but i don't know how it would help. Mewtwo