

Best Answer

For cows you need wheat

For sheep you need wheat

For pigs you need carrots

for chickens you need seeds

(Seeds are also used for growing wheat)

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Q: Can you get pets in minecraft on tablet?
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What is the best tablet for kids that play minecraft?

The iPad is the best tablet for kids to play Minecraft. Of course, it will also run on an iPod and iPhone.

Can you get minecraft on a blackberry playbook tablet?

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How do you make a bucket on Minecraft for a tablet?

Three iron bars

Can you play minecraft on a tablet?

Yes you can, it just depends on what brand it is.

Does minecraft work on a tablet?

Yes, but only if the tablet is Android powered and you could only use pocket edition.

Can you download Minecraft on a tablet?

Yes, it's called minecraft pocket edition. There is a free version and a paid version.

Can you download Minecraft on an Android tablet?

You can download minecraft pocket edition which is a simplified version on all android devices.

Can you get minecraft on the nook color?

You don't it's a pc game, not a tablet game.

Can i get minecraft on a windows tablet?

the pc edition requires a mouse and a keyboard, the pocket edition is not available for windows tablet, only for windows phone.

Can you play Minecraft on a 3ds?

No, Minecraft isn't (yet) available for other devices. Only PC, mobile/tablet devices, and Xbox 360.

What is your pets name?

My dogs name is Niko