there you have it and the song is LOVE THE WAY YOU LIE by EMINEM
No. Pregnant bellies are more round and have a shape. Jennifer's belly is just fat. Also, pregnant women dont stand on chairs when performing.
ugh. maybe your just cold sometimes the cold makes them stand out
Yes. Before I knew I was pregnant I just couldn't stand smoking anymore and one day just quit. Then about 5 days later found out I was pregnant.
It comes from his nick name Tip. When he got signed he just shortened it to T.I.
they come to the same place every tome they have birth and the stand while havind birh so the baby just comes out and when it comes out it does not breathe
No they weren't married, he was just still dating her. He married Ronnie whilst she was still pregnant with James.
yes i think you could be pregnant. just take another pregnancy test and you should be fine. if it comes back positive just go to the doctor ,if it says negative then you're not pregnant
no you don't get bigger, they just say she/you are prengnet and a few days later the baby comes
Yes. It might just be too early. Until your period comes you could still be pregnant. unless its been 3 weeks since you had sex and the test is negative
No it doesn't mean you are pregnant. Sometimes woman who are pregnant have it the line comes out. It could just also mean you are going through puberty I have it and I am 12 years old and has had it since last summer.
darkness, wanting to stand out of the crowd and to be individual basically darkness being goth just comes naturally if you are a real goth