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Yes, You can. there are many ways to do it, and two different "catigories"One: you go to a goped store or go online and buy upgradesTwo: the exhaust runs through a tube that connects to the bottom of the deck. (this is not on all goped models) cut the plastic tube off and this us the exhaust output, makeing your goped loader and faster.

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Q: Can you make a goped go faster?
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well the only way i know how to make a scooter like that go faster is to buy some motorcycle racing gas. the kind i have used is called V.P. racing fuel. you can probally find it at a local motorcycle shop. one other thing i did was put a weedeater carburetor on mine, but all that did was give it a little bit better reaction time on the throttle. hope this helps some. if it is not a goped go to or if it is a goped go to use the links on top and botom look on the hole site you will find what you need also try if it is a goped or bladez scooter

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( . )Y( . )

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