There are matchmaking modes for multiplayer as well as firefight in Halo Reach. These would set you up to play with random players.
no halo "campaign" is a single player game
Yes, even with one or two players.
play with two people by playing split screen
It is impossible to play as a hunter in Halo Reach...
To play with 2 players you need to have 2 controllers. Then you sign the 2 nd player controller in
No, I play halo reach on my 4gb xbox.
on Halo Reach you play as Noble six. hope this helps! -Raderboy4 (aka Mario2903)
No. You can play Halo Reach on the old Xbox 360 consols.
An approximate 8.4 million people Play Halo Reach a day
I do im 7 and I play halo reach
Actually, Halo Reach will allow 4 players to play through the campaign, split screen or through Xbox Live. It's perfectly possible to play with only two or three players as well. As a side note, you can play split screen with your buddy and play with two others on Xbox Live, provided both of you have a Gold Membership.
You can play two players on halo 3 with two controllers