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no u cant

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Q: Can you remove the Big daddy Costume before fighting atlas in BioShock?
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Where is the big daddy costume on BioShock 1?

its in the main storyline its impossible to miss you need it to get into the next area (please dont remove me again)

How do you remove fabric paint from a non-washable Halloween costume?

Try getting some stain-remover spray and putting it to the costume. It really works!!

Can you make BioShock less violent?

Not really. It's not really the kind of game you can remove the violence from, it's a game where enemies have to be killed, so you can progress.

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How do you take off the Earth astro knight costume on poptropica?

To remove the Earth Astro Knight costume on Poptropica, simply click on the "Costume" icon in the top menu bar, then click on the Earth Astro Knight costume to deselect it. This will revert your character back to its original appearance.

Why do muslim women dress like darthvader?

Haha. Never heard it put quite that way before. Anyway, the formless, all-black body covering is to remove the woman's individuality, allegedly so she will not be molested. Darth's costume is to make him look mean.

If you put two fighting fish together will they die?

They will fight until either you remove one or one kills the other. That is the reason why they are called "fighting fish".

How do you get rid of the suits on poptropica?

You can use the costumizer to exchange or remove outer garments. If you have on a purchased costume, use the item bag under "purchased items".

How do you switch back to normal after leaving super power island?

The masks and capes are permanent costume items until you remove or change them. Unless you purchase a costume, it is not selectively put on or taken off. You automatically lose your flying power when you leave the island, as it only works there.

If there is a patch on a person before performing aed do you remove the patch?

You generally do not remove patches before applying the AED pads.

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When should you remove the male fighting fish away from the eggs of the fighting fish?

You will see the male collecting the fry and blowing them back into the nest when they make little dashes away from the it. Once you can see that he is constantly on the chase collecting them they are in danger of being eaten in his frustration. Then is the time to remove him.