Chuck Norris would show up ot of nowhere and roundhouse kick you in the face.
yes you can use cheats in Red Dead Redemption but if you do you are not allowed to save or get achievements. also invinciblity doesn't always work
cheat codes are all around the internet for every game, including red dead redemption. However, if you use the cheats you will be unable to save the game or unlock any achievments. The cheats are easy and fun to remember.
refer to the cheats its easy but when you save go to your latest save
Yes, but you cannot earn any trophies/achievements.
the game should autosave unless you use cheats
yes you save and exit then go back into the game and if that doesnt work then something is wrong
Yes there are cheats in Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare. I chose to go to IGN which is a great game website for games. The only problem is that you cant get auto-save or any trophies with cheats on. So thanks for reading bye.
yes, it's your own fault for using cheats
You can'tA related question How do you save in red dead redemption with cheats activated has a procedure to save in that situation and the link is located below the answer information
you should be able to save but if it doesn't it is most likely because you are using cheats, bad mistake!
Absolutely not.
You can do cheats for guns.
Open the menu and go to options and it will be there