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Within a single island or quest, you have to complete all of the required challenges to win the Island Medallion. But there is no larger award for beating "all" of the islands, and you can play as many of the islands as you like. Some of them are much harder to figure out, and there continue to be new islands added on a regular basis.

But for some help, see the related question below.

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Q: Can you skip one of the islands in poptropica?
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Related questions

How do you make Poptropica islands?

You can't. The creators of Poptropica are the only ones who can create Poptropica islands.

How do you play monster island on Poptropica?

"Monster Island" was one of the cancelled islands of Poptropica. Some early games and items were shown on the other islands.

How do you get 50 Poptropica credits?

You can get 50 poptropica credits by solving the mysteries on one of the islands. And if you want more credits. then solve all the cases on all the islands!

Where is the glove on Poptropica?

There are no gloves on any Poptropica islands. There may be one as a costume item available through the Store.

How many poptropica islands will there be?

fourteen is a hope. the next one is called ********* *******

Is there more to Poptropica?

There isn't more to Poptropica. Poptropica= all the islands.

What is the next island of Poptropica?

There are many islands of poptropica

Can you be on two islands at once in poptropica?

No, you can't be in two islands at once. But you can save on one island and go to another.

Is there a cheat to skip the train robbery mission in poptropica?

When you log into poptropica, just press the back button many times and you can even skip the whole game

How do you get the map on the golden Harbor in poptropica?

you light the first two candles the skip one candle and turn on the next one

How do you get chips to buy things on poptropica com?

u have to beat one of the islands

What are the islands that are planned to release in Poptropica?

No one could possibly predict what islands will come out or when. Poptropica is changing the way they promote the site almost monthly. While there are definitely several new islands that may or may not be finished, none of them are being specifically announced beyond what is visible on the Poptropica site.