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no u cant

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Q: Can you unlock new songs in just dance game or download new songs?
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stepmania is a game that you can download, you download the game and songs for the game and save it into the songs file to play it. stepmania is like guitar hero for the computer you can use the arrow keys or any other keys you want to assign. it is like dance dance revolution and u can hook up a dance dance revolution mat up to it. basically its a game where you have to hit the arrow keys as they come up

Can you download your music onto Dance Dance Revolution Hottest Party 2?

Nope, you can't. You have to deal with the songs the game comes with. I have it and i like it very much but I wish it had more songs

How do you unlock ET on just dance 3 easy?

It Is not Available on the Original Just Dance 3, however it is on Just Dance Best Buy, if you buy that game it comes with E.t and Teenage Dream, i also thought once i get lots of mojo points i will unlock it, however i unlocked all the songs and i completed the game, and my mojos are 2057 or something so now i understood why Katy perry has her own Special Just Dance Game

How do you download songs on just dance 2?

First, you have to have wifi for your wii. Then you go into the just dance game, and go to the song selection page. Hit the + (plus) sign on your wii remote, and go to the store. Wait for it to download, and then look through the songs. The only song that is free is Firework by Katy Perry. The rest of the songs will cost 300 wii points.

What songs does the wii game just dance have?

just dance, and poker face

How do you unlock nexus?

Download them from wwe shop in your game

How to unlock petey Williams on tna the game?

download him

How do you unlock songs in Michael Jackson the experince?

I'v played a bit. The only things to unlock seem to be tutorial vids. Sorry. The game designers didn't give us any unlock-able songs. No you Can't Unlock songs

What are some songs included in the music video game Rock Revolution?

In the popular music video game, Rock Revolution, there are many songs that are included in the game. Some of these songs include "All My Life", "Dance Dance", and "The Diary of Jane".

How many songs does Just Dance have?

Just Dance (Wii) has a list of 32 songs to dance to.

How do you get bonus songs on just dance 3?

You can buy them at the store they have in game and be good at the game

How do get the see you in hell song on Guitar Hero 2 game?

you can download songs online and insert it to your guitar hero game. search how to download songs to guitar hero two.