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Q: Can you use swiffer wet jet on karndean flooring?
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Can you use a steam mop on karndean flooring?

Just called Karndean and they say no. Steam can loosen the adhesive.

What types of flooring does Karndean offer for residential use?

Karndean manufactures vinyl tile, strip and other types of vinyl flooring that are often used in commercial settings but are perfectly suitable for home use as well.

What is a Clean Sanchez?

Always use a swiffer wet jet! And some Germ-X

The best swiffer product, for $10 worth of swiffer coupons.?

It depends on what you need it for, Swiffers come in wet and dry so obviously if you have a carpet, the wet will be of little use but will work great for tiled flooring.

How do you clean a hardwood laminate floating floor without damaging it Are those swiffer wet jets safe?

Swiffer Wet Jets are safe for laminate flooring. To clean a hardwood laminate floor without damaging it, you should use a mop and hot water. Wring the mop out so it is not dripping wet.

Can you use a Swiffer wetjet to clean hardwood floors?

Yes, the Swiffer Wetjet is effective at cleaning hardwood floors, whether real hardwood, or manufactured wood flooring. Proctor & Gamble, the manufacturer of the Swiffer Wetjet, sells a liquid hardwood floor cleaner that works well to remove surface dirt from the wood floors. The Wetjet works best on floors that have been sealed first, rather than bare wood.

Where can I use Swiffer Wet Jet coupons?

As long as the coupons does not state "Accepted at ______ store only", you can redeem at the store of your choice. It is most cost effective to redeem at the store with the best price.

How do you clean wooden blinds?

you use a swiffer

What cleaning supplies should be used on a wood floor?

I find the Swiffer Wet Jet is the best cleaning product for hardwood floors. It is easy to use and has a great cleaning solution that is safe for hardwood floors.

Where can I find some Swiffer coupons online?

If you web search Swiffer coupons there are numerous websites that offer the opportunity to print out coupons. There are also a select few websites that offer Swiffer coupons for use online!

Can I use the online Swiffer coupons in-store?

Yes, when you get coupons from online websites, you are able to use them in the store. Therefore if you have a Swiffer coupon that you got online, the next time you go shopping take that coupon with you, and you will be able to use it.

How products should be use to clean non- laminated floors?

Do not use a wet-based Swiffer!