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There are no orange cutscenes, mind you! You're suppose to give her stuff until the heart is another colour, and probably the other colour has cutscenes. Good Luck. P.S I married Celia already, hehes! Hope this helps! >.< bx

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Q: Celia's orange cutscenes on harvest moon ds?
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On Harvest Moon DS celias heart wont turn yellow?

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What color does the Harvest Moon turn?

the moon is always white but during harvest moon it seems to us that it is a cross between tan and orange like a orantan

When is celias birthday harvest moon?

Celia's birthday is on the 6th Spring. Remember to give her cake if you can because gifts are more valuble on a birthday, so give her her favourite food!

What is it called when a moon is big and orange?

A big and orange moon is often referred to as a &quot;harvest moon,&quot; a term that describes the full moon that occurs closest to the autumnal equinox. The moon can appear larger and have an orange hue due to its position in the sky and the angle at which its light passes through the Earth's atmosphere.

What season does orange grass grow in Harvest Moon DS?

Orange Grass grows in Autumn.

What does Mufumufu do in harvest moon?

You'll see Mufumufu go through some humorous cutscenes with the scientist, and if you are nice to Mufumufu, there is a chance that he may give you a pet lizard.

Why is the Harvest Moon named the Harvest Moon?

It's orange, which usually means harvesting and things farm-ish. A lot of old time farmers think it's best to harvest your crops then. But many confuse it with the hunters moon, which is also called the "Blood" moon. Harvest Moon happens on the first full moon after the Hunter's Moon. In actuality, it's just a planets (Venus, I believe) light reflecting off the moons surface, making it orange.

Why does the moon sometime appear orange?

When the moon appears orange it is what is known as a 'Harvest Moon' and there are actually some interesting myths to a Harvest Moon and some interesting facts like farmers could still be productive during moonlight hours hence the name 'Harvest Moon'