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There are no cheats but there are many glitches, however most glitches have been patched

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Q: Cheats for cod 5 zombies
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No there is no cheats

Can you get Nazi zombies for cod 5 on the PS3?

You can get Nazi Zombies in CoD WaW on the PS3. If you are referring to CoD WaW as Cod 5, then your answer is yes. To get Nazi Zombies, simply beat the campaign on any difficulty.

Can you get nazi zombies cod 5 on ps2?

No u cannot get cod 5 on it

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there are no cheat codes you would have to hack the game.

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Is the nazi zombies good in cod 5?

Well yeah dude. Its CoD

Can you get Nazi zombies for cod 5 on the PS2?

no you can not tget the nazi zombies on ps2

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What game is better cod 5 or halo 3?

I believe Cod 5. NAZI Zombies VS forge id choose cod 5